The temple town of Tiruvannamalai houses this imposing temple of
Shiva - Arunachaleswara - Annamalaiyaar. |
Temple layout: The vast Arunachaleswara temple in the vicinity of the
Annamalai hill has lofty towers visible from a distance. |
An elaborate series of rituals are followed even today in this temple, beginning
with the processional delivery of water on an elephant. |
stalapurANa of this temple is that of the legend of lingOdhbhava. |
TiruvaNNAmalai is regarded as one of the
five pancha bhUta kshetras or
temples associated with the five elements of wind, water, fire,
earth and space. |
Tiruvannamalai has a rich tradition of festivals. Each full moon day is a celebration in
itself. |

Deepam is known particularly for the Kartikai Deepam festival in the tamil
month of Kartikai. |
annual Bhrahmotsavam in the month of Kartikai features the procession of
deities on decorated mounts through the temple town. (guest article) |
The saint poet Manikkavacakar comosed
Tiruvempaavai while at Tiruvannamalai. |
Kartikai Deepam: An image gallery of the 1998 Deepam festival at
Tiruvannamalai. |