Legend has it that Indra, the ruler of the Devas was
engaged in a duel with a demon by name Virudran. The demon, pursued by Indra
reached a hill top and began penance; Indra, caught in the heat of the battle and the
pursuit, killed the defenseless demon. Full of remorse, he set out on a pilgrimage of
various shrines, in an attempt to absolve himself of the sin of having killed the demon.

In the course of his pilgrimage he reached a forest
of Kadamba trees in the southern portion of peninsular India, in the Pandya
Kingdom. Upon experiencing a feel of positive energy and a relief from the weight of
guilt, he discovered a Shiva Lingam
beneath a kadamba tree on the banks of a lake.
Thanking Shiva
for his atonement, he raised a shrine to Shiva and built a Vimanam over
it (the Indra Vimanam). The lake, on whose shore, the Shiva
Lingam was discovered, is now venerated as the Potraamarai Kulam
(the golden lotus tank). A stump of the kadamba tree, seen now in the temple, is all that
is said to remain from the forest of Kadamba trees .