This is a Shivastalam in Nadu Nadu, at a distance of 6 miles from Tiruvennainallur, between Tirukkovilur
and Tiruvennainallur, in the small village of Idaiyaru. This is the 13th
of the 22 Tevara Stalams in the Nadu Naadu region of Tamilnadu. The Temple:
Shiva faces the West while Ambal faces the East, in what is called the Tirukkalyanakkolam,
in contrast to the Upadesa posture as in other temples with a similar orientation. There
are several inscriptions from the Chola, Pandya and Vijayanagar periods here.
Festivals: The annual festival is celebrated in the month of Thai,
while Pankuni Uthiram and Arudra Darisanam are also other festivals of importance. |