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Tirumala - Tirupati
celebrates 4 grand Bhrammotsavams, the most important of which is in the
month of Purattasi (Virgo). During this ten day festival, the festival idols of
the deity are taken out in procession.
The Garuda Seva,
The Uyyala Seva, and the Rathotsavam are some of the important events in
this celebration. The Adhyayana Utsavam marks the recitation of the Vedas
and the Tamil Prabandams.
Worship: The Vaikanasa Agama is the protocol of worship followed
at this temple. A colorful array of worship services are conducted throughout the day,
keeping up a timeless tradition.
The Suprabhata Seva
involves the recitation of the Suprabhatam to wake up the deity. This is followed
by the Viswaroopa Darisanam and the Tomala Seva where
the image is decorated with flowers. This is followed by a Darbar and the
recitation of the Sahasranama Archanas and the offerings of Naivedyam
and the Sattumurai where the Tamil prabandhams are read out.
Worship services are
also offered in the afternoon and at night. The Ekantha Seva, the last service of
the day is performed just before the temple is closed for the day, late in the night. Tirumanjanam
or Abhishekam is performed to the Moolavar only on Fridays.
See Also:
Bhramotsavam - A Sree Vaishnava perspective